Ayurvedic Classical Medicines

 Ayurvedic Classical Medicines


Sr Product Uses

1. AbhayarishtaSupportive remedy for piles and fistula-in-ano

2. AmritarishtaImmunostimulant in recurrent liver, spleen and pyrexic dysfunctions

3. Arjunarishta Cardioprotective, hypocholesterolemic

4. Ashokarishta Menstrual cycle regulator

5. Ashwagandharishta Anti-stress and nervine tonic

6. BabbulyadharisthaUseful in all cough etc.

7. BalaristhaComplete body tonic and increases power and strength etc.

8. BharingrajasavaUseful in treating mucus cough and asthma etc.

9. ChandasavaUseful in stone and burning sensation in Urine

10. DashmularishtaFemale reproductive health normaliser after delivery, general tonic for females

11. DrakshasavaAnabolic tonic

12. JeerakaghristhaUseful in weakness and fever after delivery in women etc.

13. Kanakasavauseful in old cough and asthma etc.

14. KhadirarishtaAnti-dermatophytosis

15. Kumariyasavauseful in anaemia, blood loss etc.

16. Kutjaristhauseful in diarrhea etc

17. LodhrasavaUseful in Gynaecological Disorder

18. LohasavaUseful in anaemia

19. Maha Mjishtha DharishtaUseful in itching, ring worm and other skin diseases

20. Maharasnadi KwathAnti-rheumatic, Anti-inflammatory

21. Maha Sudharashan KadaImmunostimulant in recurrent liver, spleen and pyrexic dysfunctions

22. PantragasavaWeakness remover specially helpful in women etc.

23. PunarnavasavaUseful in stomach, liver diseases

24. sarivaghasavaBlood purifier and useful in all skin diseases etc.

25. SarshvtaristhaIncrease memory power and treats mental problems etc.

26. UshirasavaUseful in raktpit and ajirnh etc.

27. Vasakasavauseful in asthma and respiration diseases etc.

28. VidangaristhaUseful in removing worms and treating all stomach problems etc.

All Asava and Aristha are also available in 200 ml, 450 ml, 900 ml and 5 Litre Pack on demand with Fixed Minimum Order Quantity

Tablet/Capsule Section

Sr Product Uses

1. Arogya Vardhani VatiUseful in Constipation, Pimples, Diabetes, Joint pain and Fat

2. ArshKuthar RasUseful in all types of Piles

3. Chandra Prabha Vati: Useful in Leucorrea, irregular menstrution, weakness, urine infeaction etc

4. Giloy Ghan VatiAnti-viral, anti pyretic

5. Maha Yograj Guggul Vati: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis

6. Shilajit CapsuleHerbal Stamina Enhancer Capsules

Churna/Powder Section

Sr Product Uses

1. Avipattikar ChurnaSupportive remedy for hyperacidity and constipation

2. Badam Pak: Badam Pak

3. Dant Prabhakar ManjanUseful for sensitive teeths, Bad breath, Pyrrhea etc

4. Hingwastak ChurnaDigestive and anti-flatulent

5. Lavan Bhaskar ChurnaDigestive, carminative

6. Mushli PakSexual Enhancer Churna

7. Panchasakar ChurnaUseful in increasing digestive power and hunger

8. Sitopaladi ChurnaBronchial antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant, with honey

9. Supari PakGeneral tonic for reproductive health in females

10. Triphala ChurnaMild laxative, antibacterial

Oil/Spray Section

Sr Product Uses

1. Maha Narayana OilAyurvedic Analgesic Joint Pain Killer Oil 

2. Shri Gopal OilSexual Enhancer Oil 

Avela Section

Sr Product Uses

1. Chyawanprash: All-in-One' rejuvenating, age-sustaining and immunostimulant tonic  

2. Vasavleha: Useful in Respiratory diseases like Cough and Troat, stomach Diseaese | 250 gm


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